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How we trend


Less is more? No, Less is bore!

Maximalism was born from the need to express an ecletic and unconventional taste, on the edge of kitsch. It's clearly baroque inspired, but much more pompous and exuberant because of the use of colours and emphasized decorations. All of the environments give rise to scenic designs with high emotional impact.

The use of the colour is the undisputed and absolute star. It's the starting point for a maximalist and well thought-out planning. It requires strong chromatic shades, green, blue, red, yellow, gold, which will identify the design.
All the shades are clearly juxtaposed,without leaving anything to chance. The style and chromatic combinations are carefully chosen.

Wallpaper once again has a main role in the habitations, with wonderful patterns, beautiful images and colour mixage, just mind-boggling. Gemanco Design proposal is to employ "savana mood" such as inspirational moment, tropical plants and exotic animals make you daydream. Our team will drive you in a virtual journey, which will help you to try and simulate the different environments.

Trascend the ordinary, think out of the box, we will find the original solutions you are looking for.

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